1. Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal) and Hugh Dancy (Will Graham) also starred together in King Arthur:
2. David Tennant from Doctor Who auditioned for the lead role of Hannibal:
Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images
He obviously didn’t get it 🙁
4. Hugh Dancy was not Fuller’s first choice for Will Graham:
Gus Ruelas / Reuters
The director had actually considered Lee Pace for the role. Pace also stars in Fuller’s ‘Pushing Daisies’.
5. Laurence Fishburne and his onscreen wife are also an offscreen couple:
Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images
6. In the first episode there’s a reference to Hulk:
The quote “Don’t psychoanalyze me, you wouldn’t like me when I’m psychoanalyzed.” is a reference to the comic book character, “The Incredible Hulk”, and his famous “Don’t make me angry…” line.
The Hulk was portrayed in The Incredible Hulk by Edward Norton, the same actor who played Will Graham in “Red Dragon” in 2002.
8. Dancy recommended Mikkelsen for the role of Hannibal:
The two became friends while filming King Arthur.
9. Hard-core fans of the show call themselves ‘Fannibals’: