You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Tell me the brand of Obama’s Phone?
You: hi.
Stranger: who is obama
You: are you serious?
Stranger: yes
You: Barack Obama, The President of USA
Stranger: is he the terrorist in usa
You: it smells like racism
Stranger: oh i was right
Stranger: sorry for english of mine
You: i think you should be sorry for your thoughts, before your english.
Stranger: i am sorry for thoughts?
You: yep.
Stranger: whats this mean?
You: racist thoughts, not that cool
Stranger: i am sorry i do not understand yu
You: np.
You: take care.
Stranger: i am not racist
Stranger: i am japanrse
You: so, why did you say terrorist to Obama?
Stranger: he lives in cave
Stranger: correct?
You: incorrect.
Stranger: he blew up big tower
Stranger: in new york city
You: what did you drink?
Stranger: water. good stuff. americam drink water too, yes?
You: Yes, water is registered trade mark of USA.
Stranger: i am sorry. what marm of usa?
You: marm?
Stranger: mark?
You: we’re not the exact people to chat together.
Stranger: excuse me
You: we’re lost in the internet.
Stranger: internet is fun.
You: be a good guy, love people, love everything, look at the World with lovely eyes..
You: everything will be better.
Stranger: ebaumsworld is on internets. americans get large laughs
You: ebaumsworld, the king of the stolen content.
You: yeah, i know them.
Stranger: stolen content?
Stranger: like steal? metal?
You: no, steal, like mouses stealing food.
You: (without permission)
Stranger: why would mouse stole food?
You: maybe it’s hungry.
Stranger: what does this have to do wth pianos?
You: they can eat those food while listening piano.
Stranger: eat my balls american
You: i wasn’t expecting that.
You: you surprised me.
Stranger: mitsiguri kirtomi
You: you looked like a good guy.
Stranger: desayuna sisama
You: be cool.
Stranger: go back to 4chan