Hemmy.net, was one of my favourite entertainment blog. It was a bit different in the crowd. The name of the owner was probably Katana. Anyway. I’ve been visiting the site to see new updates in last months but he wrote his last post and stopped blogging.
User of Hemmy.net commented on the last post;
– this place has a serious lack of updates
– it does. It’s gotten my hopes up a fair few times with a burst of consisant updates, but sometimes it just ends up really annoying me with the lack of them.. but when it does update it’s pretty decent, so i’ll keep looking at it
– hey guys, are you alive?
– come on hemmy.. don’t let more people down =(
– Just starting to wonder if you guys are alive, it’d be kinda sad if we kept on nagging and you guys were dead. . . So if you’re alive, just comment or something so people know whats happening. This site used to be really cool and interesting, until it started getting behind on the updates. Hope you guys are well, and keep up the good work.
– WHAT’S WRONG!!!??? I still have the hope of open the page and see and update… =’(
– This site is one of the inspirations for my site but this is the longest stretch of non-updating I’ve seen. Please carry on giving us entertaining links.
I’ll still be checking Hemmy every now and then in hopes of new content.
– Are you guys ok? making a long worldtrip somewhere? sick?
– hope the owner is all right and well. worried something might have happen to him. wish there’ll be updates soon.
– hey does anyone know that other website that this guy runs?
maybe we could find something about whats going on here, and see if he’s alright????
– it does seem like something’s wrong o.o owner just disappeared like that?
– Are you dead?
Absolutely we wish that he is fine and just gave a break. He is good blogger, and he shouldn’t give up internet. There is just “a thing” that makes me think that everything is fine; he removed contact page.
Anyway, Come on Katana