Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is taking on a new challenge.
“The only meat I’m eating is from animals I’ve killed myself,” he said.
The 27-year-old billionaire said since starting the odd challenge, he has killed goats, pigs and chickens.
“I’m eating a lot healthier foods. And I’ve learned a lot about sustainable farming and raising of animals,” he said, according to Fortune magazine’s website.
“It’s easy to take the food we eat for granted when we can eat good things every day.”
On May 4, Zuckerberg posted a note on his Facebook page — where else — saying, “I just killed a pig and a goat.”

The statement instantly drew comments from those who saw the message.
In an email to Fortune, Zuckerberg wrote that he has taken on a new “personal challenge” every year in recent memory.
“I spend almost all of my time building Facebook, so these personal challenges are all things I wouldn’t normally have the chance to do if I didn’t take the time,” he wrote.
Read more: https://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/facebook_founder_mark_zuckerberg_NSXfG4gsP3RXIYRWEOuj1O#ixzz1NVL1Y4qd